Web Design and Development Dependent on Strategy
Nowadays it is not just enough to have a website. The productivity of the website and its capacity of revenue generation are of prim importance for any business identity. Website designing and developing has to be conducted as part of the marketing strategy. Some of the key issues for a strategic design and development are as follows. Aim: The business identity needs to decide about the objectives that have to be achieved with the help of the website. This includes deciding what customers need to be targeted. The attitude of the prospective buyers should be considered as one of the basis of web design. This is the only way to make the visitor feel that the offerings of the site are trustworthy and worth buying. An aimless site is sure to be unproductive and just an addition to the list of expenses. User Oriented: After studying the prospective buyer behavior the website should be designed to look appealing to the visitor. The website designer should try to use the visual for convincing...